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E-waste Recycling: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Did you ever pay attention to what happens to your old laptop or smartphone after dropping them off at an electronic recycling bin? Since the adoption of electronic waste, trash disposal businesses have prioritized reusing as much e-scrap as possible rather than dumping it in landfills. In this post, we’ll discuss common e-waste and the issues of recycling it.

What Happens if We Don’t Recycle Our e-waste?

If electronics waste is disposed of in a landfill, dangerous and toxic compounds may leak out, contaminating water and soil. This can have devastating consequences for animals, people’s health, and the ecosystem. Aside from that, reckless trash disposal businesses are increasingly exporting e-waste overseas.

What Is e-waste Recycling?

You don’t have to be an advanced user of technological products to realize that they don’t live forever. So, what happens when they stop working? They are sometimes discarded without being reused. These wastes are then sometimes recycled. 

Electronic garbage is abbreviated as “e-waste.” Electronic waste is generated by broken, old, and surplus gadgets. You might also hear it called e-scraps.

These electronics are frequently found to contain toxic chemicals and hazardous substances. Furthermore, improper handling of these devices may result in releasing dangerous substances into our environment.

Electronic recycling is the process of treating and reusing electronic trash. It’s easy to understand. It’s a technique for recovering materials from old gadgets. This allows you to include them in new electrical devices.

E-scrap Parts That Can Be Reused

As a result, you’ll agree that used electronics disposal is a worthwhile endeavor. If you’ve got interested in electronic disposal & computer recycling or are just getting started, you might want to consider asking: what components can be recycled? You’ve got your answer.


It is possible to collect and recycle plastic items. The recycled plastic elements can subsequently be used to make goods like plastic sleepers and markers. Telephone poles, plastic boxes, separators, apparatus carriers, and more are available.


Metals can also be recovered and recycled to create new steel and metal goods.


Glass can be extracted from computer screens and TV CRTs (Cathode Ray Tubes). However, there is a minor issue. CRTS contains several potentially harmful chemicals, including lead. And this is hazardous to human health as well as the ecosystem. This makes getting a glass from a CRT challenging.


Mercury-containing equipment can be delivered to recycling centers that use specialized techniques to eliminate mercury. Metric tools, dental amalgams, and fluorescent lights are among the items that have been eliminated due to this process.

Printed Circuit Boards

Tin, silver, gold, copper, platinum, and other important metals are smelted and recovered by certified and specialized companies.

HDD Hard Disk Drive

Hard discs can be shredded and treated to recover aluminum ingots. These are especially beneficial for autos.

The Complete E-waste Recycling Process

Recycling electronic waste is a difficult task. This is because e-scraps are usually complex and made of various materials, including metals, polymers, and glass. There is a broad process that this process follows.

So, here’s everything you need to learn.

Collecting and Transporting

This is the initial stage of electronic junk recycling. Recycling companies set up booths or collecting electronic recycling bins in certain locations. When these containers are full, recyclers take the that garbage to recycled factories and services.

Shredding and Sorting

The next stage is to shred and filter the e-scrap after being collected and transported. Shredding is crucial to the effectiveness of subsequent separating.

Shredding is the process of breaking down electronic waste into smaller parts to be properly sorted. This is often time-consuming since waste materials must be sorted at this point to salvage distinct sections.

The materials are then divided into core parts and equipment. These things are then classified into numerous groups. Items that can be reused as-is and those that need further recycling programs fall under this category.

In any case, electronic waste is frequently physically separated, although fluorescent lights, batteries and toner cartridges should not be smashed or shredded by hands.

Dust Removal

Thanks to a shaking action, the tiny waste particles are evenly distributed on the conveyor belt. The evenly distributed garbage fragments are then further broken down.

Magnetic Separation

Following that, a powerful overhead magnet aids in the separation of steel and iron from those other wastes. In this way, you have effectively recycled steel from the solid waste.

However, separating circuit boards, copper, and aluminum from other waste particles may necessitate some mechanical operations. This is especially true where they are primarily made of plastic.

Water Separation

Water separation technology is then used to separate the glass from the plastic.

Glass-containing components can then be transferred to smelters, which will be utilized to make the battery, x-ray equipment, and new CRTs.

Cleansing the Waste Stream

More to clean up the wastewaters, the next step is to detect and extract the remaining elements from plastic.

Getting Recycled Materials Ready to Sell

Processing recyclable materials for sale is the final phase. The components extracted are processed for sale as raw materials to manufacture new devices here.

Advantages of Old Electronics Recycling

You might be wondering what’s in store for us now that you’ve learned about the stages. Not to worry, there are various advantages to electronic trash recycling.

1. Recycling Electronic Waste Helps to Preserve Natural Resources.

Used electronics recycling allows the recovery of valuable parts from old or obsolete electronic items. Natural resources are thereby saved and preserved.

This is because the raw materials may now be acquired from recycled waste. As a result, it is no more required to mine of raw materials.

2. It Puts Environmental Protection First.

Electronics waste recycling prioritizes pollution prevention, as you may have noticed from the abovementioned methods. It prioritizes the safekeeping, treatment, and control of hazardous and toxic chemicals such as lead, mercury, and toxic substances. All compounds are found in your electronic waste stream.

3. Reduces Global Warming and Conserves Landfills

Electronics junk that cannot be reclaimed is frequently disposed of in landfills and incineration. We can recycle e-scrap to lessen the amount of it stacking up at these locations.

Final Words

Electronics recycling is a crucial global issue for a multitude of reasons. It has a massive effect on our surrounding context as individuals and life on Earth as a whole. Individuals, companies, and even states can all benefit financially from it.

Many people have begun to use electronic trash recycling services. Entrepreneurs in underdeveloped countries are turning to e-recycling as a solid source of income while simultaneously helping the environment.

Even though the tasks are time-consuming, they are simple to complete. You may easily flow through the many operations required, from gathering and processing to sale preparations. Of course, you can benefit directly from used electronics recycling while also contributing to environmental conservation.

Electronics Recycling in Calgary

If you need to dispose your electronics in Calgary you can just give us a call and we do all the rest of it. If you are searching for electronics recycling near me, you can find Calgary electronics recycling drop off locations below:

Best buy electronics recycling

Staples electronic recycling

City approved electronics recycling depots

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